Friday, August 29, 2008

Just stuff


Been trying to keep busy so that I don't go nuts this week. Ya know "houseguest" is still here. So, I decided to can a bunch more tomatoes so I would have them in the winter.

Also, we took "guest" to a Nubian Goat farm in the Berkshires and I bought goats milk to make cheese. So, I made cheese.

Goat cheese

I have also been keeping busy with IIBS's (Impulsive Internet Buying Spree). I bought this yarn from Woolen Rabbit to make Moroccan Days/Arabian Nights Shawl. I also bought beads at some little bead shop near the house (yeah, I went out of the house).

New yarn

Oh yeah, and there has been psycho knitting. That means I can't stick to one thing for more than 5 minutes. I am making "Mr. Yarn" the Na Craga Starmore sweater and at the same time I am making Butterfly socks.

For him:

Na Craga

For me:

Butterfly Socks

And poor Esther looks like *I* feel


Notice she is by the front door waiting to make that great escape...


vanessa said...

you need to stitch a sampler with the houseguest and fish saying ;-)

Anonymous said...

Did the houseguest like the goats? Sigh…

Anonymous said...

I recommend l-o-o-n-g walks for you & Esther!

Diane in Oregon

Stefaneener said...

Well, at least the tomatoes and knitting will last longer than the visit, right?