Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ice Storm


I tried to take a picture of the ice on the trees. If you click on it you can see the bigger picture. Pretty isn't it? No, it is NOT. This is what caused us to be without power for a full day. Electrical lines were down and trees had fallen into roads and on top of houses. It was a mess. We are the lucky ones because people here are still without power that isn't expected to be back on until Sunday. Being without power isn't so bad when it isn't 16 degrees outside. I had two fireplaces going and it wasn't too bad. Before I came here I hated people that talked about the weather all the time. I have turned into one of those people and now understand firsthand why they are obsessed with it. It is because it actually controls your daily life. I have changed from a California Urban Woman to the Knitting Mountain Woman who has to stoke fires, clean leaves and make sure pipes don't burst. It always sounded so romantic when I was living in 70 degree weather (which now my California friends tell me got down to a FREEZING 50 degrees).

On the knitting front...
I am knitting like a fiend but can't post any of it because I am knitting for a yarn company and designer. This stuff will be published so I can't post. I will take pictures to prove that it is being done and post when appropriate. I miss knitting my own stuff though. Knitting with a purpose is ok too.

So, stay warm and don't judge because I talked about the weather AGAIN.


Stefaneener said...

The knitting sounds like fun. The rest, yeah, not so much. It was in the 30s lately. . . does that count as adventurous in an over-100 year old house with cardboard walls and leaky doors and windows?

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! That kind of cold is waaaay outside of my very delicate temperature comfort zone. Eees okay though -- I am knitting you sveter from Russian blend Peece Fleece. Ees warm. You like.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Stephaneener! Jinx! You owe me a coke!

Anonymous said...

Would you believe snow in San Francisco early this morning? That's what the Ch. 4 news said, and they showed video of it! Also snow dusting the hills in Oakland, but none here in Alameda - yet! But it's cold here for us - down to 33 tonight.