Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Free at last


All I am going to say is I finished the sweater. Thank god.


PuNk rAwK pUrL said...

all I can say, while shielding my eyes, is, you have finished this sweater.

PinkyRoo said...

Does the sweater hang crooked like the one you showed us on that website? They are going to have to pay you so much so that you can buy a lot of booze and "erase" the memory of That Sweater. (Not that you need more alcohol, I've seen the pictures of your wine collection)

Anonymous said...

Wow. You are a machine. A machine that knits beautiful sweaters in the amount of time it takes me to pick out a pattern. It's de-lovely!

Anonymous said...

Um, it looks like the kind of sweater my mother bribed me to wear to school in the fifth grade. Poor Ms. Yarn…

Rabbitch said...

That looks like a lot of really annoying work. Beautiful work but maybe not all work that should be together on one sweater, and such.

~drew emborsky~ said...

I kinda like it.