Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More to grow

Mr Yarn surprised me and bought me carniverous plant SEEDS. How cool is that? Now I can wait on the edge of my seat to see if they will sprout!


He also bought other neat seeds like Epazote (a mexican spice) and some lemongrass (hear it grows like bamboo better be careful where we plant it) and nutmeg. I don't think I have ever seen nutmeg grow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Worry about the epazote more than the lemongrass. It reseeds like mad. I had it for a weed for a few years after I planted it.

Lemongrass -- if you can get it to grow like bamboo let me know what you did. It does spread out sideways from where you plant it, tho'. Then you split it up and give little lemongrass plants to all your friends.