Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I'm too lucky for my sweater

Medieval Yarn

Check this out. It is a thing of beauty. I keep opening the box just to peek in. It is the yarn for the Jade Starmore sweater. Mr Yarn bought me this for Xmas. So, no one ever told me that the "kit" didn't come with the pattern. Damn good thing that I spent WAY too much on ebay last year getting this book.

Don't tell anyone but I started a new project (ok, well Mr. Yarn's vest is more than half done) that will keep me warm. It is a poncho. Shut up. It is really warm and pretty. Instead of the "Martha Stewart Poncho" I am calling it "Ok, we will call it the crazy woman is wearing a blanket and this is NOT a poncho" poncho.

Don't laugh.


Stefaneener said...

Hey! I'm first. I can't wait to see your crazy woman, erm, no doubt _fashionable_ poncho.

Anonymous said...

janis -

i'm sorry, I had to laugh.


Anonymous said...

Did you say the kit does NOT come with the pattern?

Crap! That is just wrong.

Which book it this from?

Janis said...

The pattern comes from Jade Starmore "A Collectors Item"

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the kit doesn't come with the pattern. That just seems very strange to me. The yarn is just gorgeous though, good gift Mr. Yarn.