Monday, June 20, 2005

Happy Unbirthday to ME!


How cute is this? Joy and Meredith came by the shop to cheer me up and they brought this adorable cake and cookies. How nice is that? It did cheer me up. So, I pried out of them, well I didn't really have to pry, the fact that they both have a blog. Ha ha! They are going to be so embarassed that I have outted them. You all have to go over there and comment on their blog and make them feel like they are being blog stalked. Ok, so Meredith posted about the cake before *I* did, but I just had to show it!

Here is another view of it:


So, notice how I cleverly got out of any knitting content? It wasn't so clever you say? Ok, I will have some tomorrow. I just had to get you to go comment on J and M's blogs and to stalk them.

Thanks again you two!!!


Omelay said...

oh, love those cakes! i have been known to eat an entire one.

janis you think people are embarassed for having blogs but it isnt so!


Janis said...

No, in this case I KNOW that they were embarassed because they told me so :--)